Festool Domino Tenon Stock for use with the revolutionary Festool Domino Joiner - a hand held power mortiser.
Festool's floating tenon stock, called Dominos, fits into a Domino Joiner mortise. Domino Tenon Stock is available in
multiple sizes and offered in either Beech hardwood for indoor applications or Sipo hardwood for outdoor applications.
Sipo tenons, made from sustainable (African) Mahogany, are weatherproof and insect, mold and rot resistant. Festool
Domino Tenon stock is always a perfect fit, stronger than biscuits and offers maximum stability. Owning a Festool
Domino Joiner will allow you to create stable, long-lasting mortise and tenon joints accurate and fast!
Festool Domino Tenon Stock and Tenon Assortments available in Beech and Sipo hardwood.
Price: Starting at $259.00
Price: Starting at $119.00
Price: Starting at $92.00
Price: Starting at $21.00
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