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Woodworking Tips Map

Woodworking Articles, Skills, Tips, and Q&As on Tools and Techniques

We've been offering fine woodworking tools and education since 1978, keeping woodworkers informed about the best woodworking tools, tips & techniques along the way. We have shared countless woodworking tips and techniques over the years to improve basic woodworking skills and master level techniques as well. Below you will find our woodworking tip index which includes hundreds of our most popular articles. Really we have written too many to list here, so for more help with your woodworking questions use our search tool which will search all of Highland Woodworking's woodworking articles by topic:

Dont' miss Highland Woodworking's most popular woodworking article of all time:
*Kested's Declaration of Independence*

Take a trip down woodworking lane with Retro Highland Woodworking:
*Highland Woodworking's Nostalgic Early Years*

Bandsaws & Power Tools
Festool Articles
How To Tension A Bandsaw Blade
Slicing Wood: A Practical Guide to Successful Resawing
Why do Carbide Bandsaw Blades last longer?
Clean Machine: Bandsaw Dust Control that Works
Coiling Bandsaw Blades
Bandsaw Puzzle Cubes
Leading You On: Feed Direction is the Key to Resawing
Coplanar Bandsaw Wheels
Taking a Flutter: Bandsaw Blade Vibration
Resawing Treated Lumber: Demolition Derby
The Long and Short of It: Bandsaw Blade Length
Installing Router Bits
Tage Frid's Mortising Jig
Routers Go Left!
Avoiding Damage to Table-Mounted Routers
Router and Drill Dowel Making Jig
The Infinite Oval: A Router Jig for Ovals and Circles
Making It Plane: How to Flatten a Workbench with a Router
Adjustable Router Table Mount
Big Bits, Small Bases
Using Router Collet Adapters
Miter Guides for Router Tables
Care and Sharpening of Router Bits
Changing Speeds: Choosing Router RPM
A Shop-Built Tablesaw Tenon Jig
Understanding Snipe
Setting Jointer Knives
Tablesaw Cut-Off Stop Blocks
In Your Face: Tablesaw Dust Control
Installing Tablesaw Blades
Building a Sliding Table for Your Tablesaw
Feather Boards
Two Simple Table Saw Improvements
Does Size Matter?
Tool Rust Removal
Three Ways to Resaw

Hand Planes & Hand Tools
Lee Laird Hand Plane Fundamentals Series
Which Hand Plane Should I Use
Tuning Metal Bench Planes for the Rest of Us
Life After Sandpaper
Sharpening #80 Cabinet Scrapers
Modifying Clifton Spoon Bits
A Guide to Sharpening Chisels and Plane Irons
Fitting Clifton Plane Irons in Bailey Planes
Perfectly Flat Planes
Highland Woodworking's Rosewood Plane Handles
Ask the Experts: Clifton & Lie-Nielsen Bench Planes
Interview With Toolmaker Thomas Lie-Nielsen
Traditional Handmade Japanese Tools
How To Use Hand Planes - #5 Jack Plane
Tongue and Groove Joints Cut by Hand
A Guide To Choosing Carving Tools
How To Care For A Gransfors Bruks Axe

Shop Techniques
A 5S Workshop
Mounting Quick-Release Vises
The Stationary Biscuit Joiner: A Simple Jig for Productive Precision
When Biscuit Joints Go Bad
Taming Wild Veneers
Animal Glues
Clamping Mitered Boxes: Another Tage Frid Solution
Highland Hardware Tool List for a Basic Woodworking Shop
Clamping Up
Helpful Woodworking Formulas & References
Fractional Conversion Table
Converting Linear to Board Feet
Standard Furniture Dimensions
Mortise and Tenon Joinery
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Woodworking But Were Afraid to Ask
Mitered Picture Frames
Homemade Bench Dog Tips

Wood Finishing
A Knock-Down Spray Booth for Non-Commercial, Home Use
A Beginner's Guide to Spray Finishing
Fish-Eye Eliminator
Mixing Shellac
Wax Eloquent: Make Your Own Wax
Life After Sandpaper
Preserving Wood's Color
Mission Oak Finish
Raising the Grain
Spraying Orange Peel
Spontaneous Combustion: Finishing Without Flare
Hand Rubbed
Spraying Latex with HVLP
Water Over Oil: Using Hydrocote on Stains
Arti Water-Soluble Dyes Mixing Instructions
Wood Finish Preparation
Wood Filler
Finishing Lessons From a Small Shop Professional
Dining Table Finish
Kitchen Cabinet Facelift
Exotic Wood Finish
Touching Up Repairs & Defects
Distressed Finish
The Party's Over
Saving Money (and the Environment)
Stains vs. Dyes
Spring Cleaning
New Finish Decisions
The Bob Saye Method of Wiping On an Oil Finish
Good Sanding Habits
Summertime Blues
Going Deep
Hydrocote Resisthane Plus
Wood Filler?
Hidden Treasures
Enhancing Grain in with a Natural Look
Spray Finishing Doesn't Have To Be Scary: Critter Spray Gun

Woodworking Safety
Small Shop Dust Collection Simplified
The Devil's in the Dust
Shaker Felt Filter Bags for Dust Collectors
Clean Machine: Bandsaw Dust Control that Works
In Your Face: Tablesaw Dust Control
Shop Vacs vs. Dust Collectors
Festool Dust Extractor Comparison
Tool Sharpening Skills
A Guide to Sharpening Chisels and Plane Irons
Basic Plane Blade Sharpening
How To Sharpen An Axe
How To Sharpen Woodworking Tools
Life After Sandpaper
Sharpening #80 Cabinet Scrapers
Cutting vs. Scraping
Waterstone Sharpening
Hollow Grinding: Necessity or Relic?
Sharpening Forstner Bits
Using Oil Stones
Not Ready for Prime Time
Tormek T-8, T-7 and T-4 Comparison
Tormek vs. Jet and Standard Bench Grinders
The Sharpening Process & Methods That Work: How Lap-Sharp™ Compares
User's Guide to the Makita 9820-2 Sharpener

Wood Turning
Woodturner's Newsletter Archive
Woodturning 101 Tips
Measuring Turning Tools
Turn a Wood-Handled 4-in-1 Screwdriver
Turn a Scratch Awl
Hustling Wood
Smoothing Ripples
Instant Gratification
The Woodturning Lathe: A Brief History
Turning Duplicate Pieces
Penturning: A Step-by-Step Primer
Warped Bowls
I Went to Turner's Heaven

10 Great Customer Shops
Expand Your Woodworking Skills by Expanding Your Library
A Visit with Tage Frid
Interview With Furniture Maker Seth Rolland
The Flowing Forms of Furniture Artist & Sculptor Sabiha Mujtaba
Japanese Woodworkers
Burning with Enthusiasm with Julie Bender
Jim Dillon Interviews Roger Cash
Tool List for a Basic Woodworking Shop
Doug Hall Interviews Chad Awalt
Jim Dillon Interviews Mark Duginske
Marquetry Artist T. Breeze Verdant
Master Chairmaker Curtis Buchanan
Steppingstone Museum
Man With a Plan
A Weekend with Toshio Odate
A D'Oh! Or, What My Mistakes Are Teaching Me
Iain Tyndal, Profile of a Woodworker
Toy Crane for Charity
Gene Choquette, Prolific Contestant & Creative Woodturner
The Man Who Created Our Idea of Early American Furniture
Daryl Rickard: Woodturning Artistry Beyond the Grain
Brian Watson: Call of the Wild
Branch to Bench: The Birth of a Design

Wood News
Two Simple Table Saw Improvements
Does Size Matter?
Tool Rust Removal
Three Ways to Resaw
Ask the Experts: Clifton & Lie-Nielsen Bench Planes
Interview With Toolmaker Thomas Lie-Nielsen
Traditional Handmade Japanese Tools
Mortise and Tenon Joinery
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Woodworking But Were Afraid to Ask
Mitered Picture Frames
The Sharpening Process & Methods That Work: How Lap-Sharp™ Compares
Oil Stones
Wood Finish Preparation
Wood Filler
Finishing Lessons From a Small Shop Professional
Dining Table Finish
Kitchen Cabinet Facelift
Exotic Wood Finish
Touching Up Repairs & Defects
Distressed Finish
The Party's Over
Saving Money (and the Environment)
Stains vs. Dyes
Spring Cleaning
New Finish Decisions
The Bob Saye Method of Wiping On an Oil Finish
Good Sanding Habits
Summertime Blues
Going Deep
Hydrocote Resisthane Plus
Wood Filler?
Hidden Treasures
Enhancing Grain in with a Natural Look
Spray Finishing Doesn't Have To Be Scary: Critter Spray Gun
Hustling Wood
Smoothing Ripples
Instant Gratification
The Woodturning Lathe: A Brief History
Turning Duplicate Pieces
Penturning: A Step-by-Step Primer
Warped Bowls
I Went to Turner's Heaven
Expand Your Woodworking Skills by Expanding Your Library
A Visit with Tage Frid
Interview With Furniture Maker Seth Rolland
The Flowing Forms of Furniture Artist & Sculptor Sabiha Mujtaba
Japanese Woodworkers
Burning with Enthusiasm with Julie Bender
Jim Dillon Interviews Roger Cash
Tool List for a Basic Woodworking Shop
Doug Hall Interviews Chad Awalt
Jim Dillon Interviews Mark Duginske
Marquetry Artist T. Breeze Verdant
Master Chairmaker Curtis Buchanan
Steppingstone Museum
Man With a Plan
A Weekend with Toshio Odate
A D'Oh! Or, What My Mistakes Are Teaching Me
Iain Tyndal, Profile of a Woodworker
Toy Crane for Charity
Gene Choquette, Prolific Contestant & Creative Woodturner
The Man Who Created Our Idea of Early American Furniture
Daryl Rickard: Woodturning Artistry Beyond the Grain
Brian Watson: Call of the Wild
Branch to Bench: The Birth of a Design
Woodworking Videos
Woodworking Videos on YouTube

Woodworking Videos Search

American Lumber History Pt 1
American Lumber History Pt 2
American Lumber History Pt 3
American Lumber History Pt 4
American Lumber History Pt 5
American Lumber History Pt 6
Curtis Buchanan Windsor Chair Class
Chris Ramsay, Hat Turner
An interesting use for chisels
Making a Whale Tail Joint Stool
How do you make square lumber from rough stock
How to Sharpen a Chisel
How to Sharpen a Hand Saw, Roy Underhill
The Woodwright's Shop with Roy Underhill on the web
The Wood Slicer Resaw Blade

Woodworking Blogs
Tormek vs. Jet and Standard Bench Grinders
Curtis Buchanan Windsor Chair Class
Chris Ramsay, Hat Turner
An interesting use for chisels
How strong are different types of joints?
Making a Whale Tail Joint Stool
Shooting Board Design Revisited
How do you make square lumber from rough stock
The Woodwright's Shop with Roy Underhill on the web

Woodworking Library
Slicing Wood: A Practical Guide to Successful Resawing
Clean Machine: Bandsaw Dust Control that Works
Coiling Bandsaw Blades
Bandsaw Puzzle Cubes
Leading You On: Feed Direction is the Key to Resawing
Coplanar Bandsaw Wheels
Taking a Flutter: Bandsaw Blade Vibration
Resawing Treated Lumber: Demolition Derby
The Long and Short of It: Bandsaw Blade Length
Installing Router Bits
Tage Frid's Mortising Jig
Routers Go Left!
Avoiding Damage to Table-Mounted Routers
Router and Drill Dowel Making Jig
The Infinite Oval: A Router Jig for Ovals and Circles
Making It Plane: How to Flatten a Workbench with a Router
Adjustable Router Table Mount
Big Bits, Small Bases
Using Router Collet Adapters
Miter Guides for Router Tables
Care and Sharpening of Router Bits
Changing Speeds: Choosing Router RPM
A Shop-Built Tablesaw Tenon Jig
Understanding Snipe
Setting Jointer Knives
Tablesaw Cut-Off Stop Blocks
In Your Face: Tablesaw Dust Control
Installing Tablesaw Blades
Building a Sliding Table for Your Tablesaw
Feather Boards
Mounting Quick-Release Vises
The Stationary Biscuit Joiner: A Simple Jig for Productive Precision
When Biscuit Joints Go Bad
Taming Wild Veneers
Wood Glue Types & Uses
Animal Glues
Clamping Mitered Boxes: Another Tage Frid Solution
Highland Hardware Tool List for a Basic Woodworking Shop
Clamping Up
Winding Sticks
Helpful Woodworking Formulas & References
Fractional Conversion Table
Converting Linear to Board Feet
Standard Furniture Dimensions
User's Guide to the Makita 9820-2 Sharpener
Life After Sandpaper
Sharpening #80 Cabinet Scrapers
Cutting vs. Scraping
Waterstone Sharpening
Hollow Grinding: Necessity or Relic?
A Guide to Sharpening Chisels and Plane Irons
Sharpening Forstner Bits
Not Ready for Prime Time
A Knock-Down Spray Booth for Non-Commercial, Home Use
A Beginner's Guide to Spray Finishing
Fish-Eye Eliminator
Mixing Shellac
Wax Eloquent: Make Your Own Wax
Life After Sandpaper
Preserving Wood's Color
Raising the Grain
Spraying Orange Peel
Spontaneous Combustion: Finishing Without Flare
Hand Rubbed
Spraying Latex with HVLP
Water Over Oil: Using Hydrocote on Stains
Arti Water-Soluble Dyes Mixing Instructions
Measuring Turning Tools
Turn a Wood-Handled 4-in-1 Screwdriver
Turn a Scratch Awl
Small Shop Dust Collection Simplified
The Devil's in the Dust
Shaker Felt Filter Bags for Dust Collectors
Clean Machine: Bandsaw Dust Control that Works
In Your Face: Tablesaw Dust Control
Shop Vacs vs. Dust Collectors
Tips for Beginning Woodworking
Moisture Content Of Wood