Here at Highland Woodworking we work hard to make our catalog more informative for woodworkers wanting to learn about our tools.
In addition to the catalog we mail out, we also have an interactive digital version that you can access
here, giving you
a good way to explore the broad range of woodworking tools that we offer. We call it our Flip Catalog.
A Wooden Boat magazine editor once wrote “If you pay attention, you’ll gain more practical information from the Highland catalog than you will from books on woodworking and tool use.”
We invite you to take a look at our latest Flip Catalog. When you click any product number on any page, it will take you directly to the product page for that item on our website.
There you will find more information and the ability to purchase the product, if you are so inclined.
Best wishes for your woodworking!
Chris Bagby, CEO
Take a tour through the products in our store, as seen through our Flip Catalog.
CLICK BELOW to go to the Flip Catalog.
Click any product number to go to that item on our website.
Book Review - Highland's 2024 Summer Catalog
by J. Norman Reid
When the latest Highland Woodworking catalog landed in my mailbox, I immediately retired to an easy chair for a delightful hour of exploration.
For although the catalog’s fully packed 80 pages offer just about any tool a woodworker could want or need, an excursion through the catalog is more than a shopping trip; it’s an adventure.
The folks at Highland have worked hard to make each catalog more than a set of offerings with options and prices. And they’ve succeeded admirably.
Their friendly catalog is both informative and entertaining. And I find it impossible to browse its pages without discovering a new tip, bit of history, or unfamiliar tool that excites my interest.
Read the Review
Should You Attend a Woodworking Class or Watch a Video? (Education vs. Edutainment)
by Travis Remington
Over the past few years, there has been a shift in the availability of woodworking content. Originally, if you wanted to learn woodworking you had a
limited set of options that included a handful of schools, project specific classrooms, or books and magazines.
During the past ten years, I think it’s fair to say the internet has turned learning upside down.
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The Benchtop Workshop
by Travis Remington
For the space, budget & time constrained, we offer the Benchtop Workshop. These power tools are meant to be pulled out & used as needed, then stored until you need them next.
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A Bandsaw Blade's Purpose in Life
by Travis Remington
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Can a bandsaw blade live well?
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Has resawing lumber been a challenge for you?
If so, you have come to the right place at the right time. We can help.
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My Unusually Small Workshop
by Dilo Marcio Fernandino
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
For over 30 years my workshop was a tiny service closet (7 ft x 6 ft). Despite its lack of elbow room, this tiny space became my "paradise" where I have managed to build a few very nice pieces.
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Highland's 1980 Planemaking Class
In one of the first classes ever taught at Highland Hardware, 24 woodworkers each built a well-functioning wooden plane.
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Highland Woodworking 1045 N. Highland Ave. NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Tel. 800-241-6748
Email us at email@highlandwoodworking.com
Visit us on the web at www.highlandwoodworking.com
Copyright © 2024 Highland Hardware, Inc.
Errors regarding pricing and specifications are subject to correction.
SOME SALE QUANTITIES MAY SELL OUT and become unavailable at the advertised price.