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Dear Woodworker,
Introduction It was exciting for us to host Gary Rogowski’s class on building a wooden plane in June, 2024. Ten beautiful, well-functioning planes were built, plus Gary’s enthusiastic teaching style was inspirational to all. His teaching style evolved over more than a decade as Director (and founder) of the Northwest Woodworking Studio, which offered serious hands-on woodworking classes in Portland, Oregon up until Covid. The Studio is currently offering ONLINE training programs that range from a 4-week "Setting Up Shop" series this fall to a 2-year Mastery program. Visit the Studio's website for details.

In this issue of Wood News, we’re telling Gary Rogowski’s story using Jim Dillon’s review of Gary’s book, “Handmade: Creativity in the Age of Distraction,” as well as Charles Brock’s interview with Gary. We also invite you to look at photos from Gary’s two-day plane-making class.

Check out Gary's podcast called Splinters, which shares musings on creativity told by a born storyteller. Longer episodes in the archive also include interviews with other interesting woodworkers.

Chris Bagby, co-founder
Highland Woodworking

Upcoming Atlanta Class Schedule

August 2-4
Build a Windsor Stool

August 18
Turning a Peppermill

August 23-25
Build a Tool Chest

September 14-15
Woodworking Basics

September 21
Basic Bowl Turning

October 5-6
Build an Epoxy Cutting Board

October 19
Sharpening Hand Tools

October 26
Strip Canoe Building

November 9
Handcut Dovetails

Check Our Website for Updates

Gary Rogowski

Gary Rogowsksi's
Splinters Podcast
on Workshop Flow

Besides his fundamental theme of investigating and celebrating Creativity, Gary is all about cultivating Flow in the workshop, with steps well thought out in advance and tools organized ergonomically yielding a rhythmic Flow. Doing handwork gives special meaning to the abstract notion of woodworking. With your mind focused, your hands mindfully guide and power a blade as it slices through wood fibers in the way you intend. Efficiency improves and creative handwork flows.

Listen to the Podcast

Read Gary's Newsletter


Handmade - Creative Focus in the Age of Distraction

Jim Dillon reviews Gary Rogowski's exploration of the challenges of being creative in today's busy world.

Read the Review

Charles Brock's Interview with Gary Rogowski

Way back in 2013 Charles Brock interviewed Gary Rogowski at his Northwest Woodworking Studio in Portland, Oregon.

Watch the Video
Plane class photos

Photos from the
Plane Making Class

See photos of the plane making process from shaping the plane body, frog and wedge to preparing the blade and fitting it all together.

View Photos
Hand Tool Giveaway

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We invite you to browse this digital version of our old-fashioned paper catalog as your portal into the wide world of woodworking tools on our huge website. Click on the catalog cover at left, then as you flip through the pages, click on any item’s PRODUCT NUMBER to go directly to that item on our website.

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Record Power Coronet Herald 14 inch EVS Lathe

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Record Power Coronet Envoy 16 inch VS Lathe

Record Power Coronet Envoy 16 inch VS Lathe

Save $200
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1045 N. Highland Ave. NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Tel. 800-241-6748

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