Highland Woodworking Wood News Online, No. 183, November 2020Welcome to Highland Woodworking - Fine Tools & Education Learn more about Highland Woodworking View our current woodworking classes and seminars Woodworking articles and solutions Subscribe to Wood News
Here's My Woodworking!
By Ray Pugh

My interest in woodworking, like many young people, began in High School shop class. I owe my shop teacher, Mr. Fleisher, for my love of wood and the safety skills that have enabled me to work in wood for over 50 years and still keep all my fingers!.

As a young adult a major goal was always a big shop, but the navy and a young family put things off. As time went on and financial needs changed I was able to construct and outfit a large shop. Many of my projects have been for the grandkids like trucks, trains, puzzles, and clocks. Occasionally I get to make things for myself, like guitar stools, beds, and various furniture projects. I can be found in the shop everyday, smoking my pipe and working on the next project. Mr. Fleisher has truly enriched my life.

Below are several different views of a bank I made for my grandson using an old post office door a friend gave me. The lock still works using the original combination.

Below are some more projects.

Woody I made for my granddaughter using purple heart,
African black wood, and walnut.

1930s airline radio turned into jewelry box.

Inside the jewelry box.

Inside the jewelry box.

Mission or craftsman style king size bed in Paldao wood with pinned
tenons and square caps using African Blackwood.

Ray can be reached by email at raypugh52@msn.com.

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