Here's My Workshop!
By Farrell Eaves
Walden, TN
My shop is 4000 sq. ft and has central heat and air. The main shop is 24 x 62 and the side room for the wide belt sander and planer is 16' x 24'.
All lumber is stored vertically and is referred to as the "lumber library" which makes it easy to fan through for selection. The lumber library is 18' x 36'. There is more lumber than years left to use it.
The table saw is an Oliver 12/16inch. The band saw is also an Oliver and is 36". It is the most used machine in the shop.
My carving bench is located by the window and is where I spend most of my time these days. It's always delightful to occasionally look out the window, not to mention the natural light.
All tools are stored in cabinets to keep them clean and orderly. The wood spirit carvings are some of my own and also those by some of the fellows who meet here on Thursday afternoons to carve and sometimes just to get in a circle and visit. We call ourselves the Walden Carving Group.
There are many old tools and patterns spaced around the shop just for interest and in respect for those that have gone before and who contributed so much to my woodworking enjoyment.
This September I will have been married to my wife for 60 years and my woodworking actually started in earnest at that time. This is my fifth shop and I often say, two shops in one: the fifth and the last.
You can email Farrell at
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