How can we help you?
Customer Service
Contact our customer service department by phone at 1-800-241-6748
or by email at
for questions regarding an existing or future order.
Phone Orders
Call us at 1-800-241-6748 if you would like to place an order over the phone.
Technical Support
Contact our Technical Support department by phone at 1-800-241-6748
or by email at
for questions regarding our products, or for advice on tools and techniques.
New Products
Know of a product that you think we should stock? Do you have a product that you would like to sell us? Fill out our
Product Suggestions Form
Tool Catalog
Would you like a copy of our printed tool catalog? Fill out this form to request one.
Get Involved
Would you like to teach a class or write an article for us? Contact us for details
Our Website
Send your questions or comments about our site to our Webmaster (
Our Store
Of course, you can always come by our store in Atlanta, Georgia.
Highand Woodworking
1045 N. Highland Ave., NE
Atlanta, GA 30306-3592