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Workshop Wisdom
The Highland Woodworker
Mortise & Tenon Magazine

Mortise & Tenon Magazine Mortise & Tenon Magazine Mortise & Tenon Magazine Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Fourteen Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Thirteen Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Twelve Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Eleven Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Ten Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Nine Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Eight Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Seven Mortise and Tenon Magazine, Issue 6 Mortise and Tenon Magazine, Issue 5 Mortise & Tenon Issue 4 Mortise and Tenon Magazine, Issue 3 Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue Two Mortise & Tenon Magazine - Issue One |
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Detailed Description
Mortise & Tenon Magazine
According to its defining statement, Mortise & Tenon is a new print magazine
celebrating the preservation, research, and recreation of historic furniture.
We believe you will find it to be quite different from any other woodworking tome ever published.
Far more like a book than the term "magazine" would typically imply, Mortise & Tenon is the brainchild of
professional furniture conservator Joshua Klein, who lives and works in mid-coast Maine.
Joshua's meticulous devotion to detail honed over the years while restoring valuable
antique furniture is reflected in the exceptional quality evident in the design and content of his new publishing venture.
Mortise & Tenon Magazine is published twice a year and printed on un-coated thick paper with a minimalist photography-saturated aesthetic.
Issue Seventeen
Issue Seventeen of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and ready to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- Andrew Hunter – Finding a Path
- Edward Bouvier – A Communal Legacy: Handcraft as Part of a Holistic Education for Life
- Narelle Freeman – Secrets Beyond Our Reach
- Joshua A. Klein – Everything in its Place: A Call to Reorder Our Shops
- A Veneer of Civility: An Examination of a Mid-18th-century English Slant-front Desk
- Emmet Van Driesche – Take Care
- Nevan Carling – The Homes In Which We Live: Historic Buildings & Their Significance
- Douglas Brooks – Preserving this Culture, Rebuilding their Crafts: Japanese River Boats
- Book Recommendation: William Bryant Logan’s Sprout Lands – Brendan Gaffney
Issue Sixteen
Issue Sixteen of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and ready to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- Michael Updegraff – Gathered in Reverence: Kezurou-kai in the United States
- Ted Ingraham – The Whittier House Windows: Sash-making in Early America
- Joshua A. Klein – House By Hand
- Stefan Wolf – A Life of Its Own: The Practice of Woodblock Printmaking
- Cornered Charm: An Examination of a 19th-Century Corner Cupboard
- Gary Rogowski – Forgiveness
- Joseph Brihiez – Working With the Trees
- Joshua A. Klein – Neatly Fitted: An Introduction to Scribe-rule Timber Framing
- Thiago Silva – On the Perception of Tradition
- Book Recommendation: Peter Wohlleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees – Michael Updegraff
Issue Fifteen
Issue Fifteen of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and ready to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- Ambulance for Monuments: Saving Romanian Heritage – Dragoș Nuțã
- Making the Versatile Hutch Table – Joshua A. Klein
- The Traveling "Ukulele" – Aaron Keim
- Accustomed to Handle the Hammer: The Nail Making Specialty in Pre-industrial Manufacture – Kenneth Schwarz
- The Red & the Black: Snakewood & Early American Furniture – Gerald W.R. Ward
- Resolute Care: An Examination of an Early-19th Century Pine Standing Desk
- Few & Far Between: Making Gate Hurdles – Michael Updegraff
- Sheraton’s Red Oil: Experiments in Historic Finishes – David Bayne
- The Peddle Chair: The Journey to Intuitive Work – Jon Grant
- Book Recommendation: Hermann Phelps’ The Craft of Log Building – Will Lisak
Issue Fourteen
Issue Fourteen of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and ready to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- Building for Belonging – Joshua A. Klein
- The Meaning in the Silence: Japanese Craft Pedagogy – Douglas Brooks
- The Past Can Save Our Future: Recovering Linseed Oil Paint – Michiel Brouns
- Lagging’: Coopering a Norwegian Tankard – Marshall Scheetz
- Leaving a Trace – Michael Updegraff
- Kubbestol: An Examination of Two 19th-century Scandinavian Stump Chairs
- Hands in Constant Motion: A Visit with a Master Planemaker in Taiwan – Agnes Chang
- New Trails, Old Ways: An Interview with Seth Gebel
- Working Without Recipes – George Walker
- Book Recommendation: Early American Wooden Ware by Mary Earle Gould
Issue Thirteen
Issue Thirteen of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and ready to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- The Fiddle’s Unfolding: Tracing a Folk Tradition – Kerry Lambertson
- A Blacksmith’s Contribution to Woodworking – Kenneth Schwarz
- Root & Branch: Rediscovering the Uttermost Parts of a Tree – Brendan Gaffney
- From the Ashes: Examination of a Mid-19th-Century Worktable
- Engaging Work: Selections on Craftsmanship & the Modern World – Compilation
- The Scraper Through the Ages – Michael Updegraff
- Some Thoughts on the Artisan Process – Jim Tolpin
- Reconstructing the Varnish Maker’s Art: Traditional Finishes for the 21st Century – Steve Voigt
- Book Recommendation: Claudia Kinmonth’s Irish Country Furniture and Furnishings – Gerald W.R. Ward
Issue Twelve
Issue Twelve of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- The Last Boatbuilder of the Nagara River – Douglas Brooks
- The Simple Art of Wooden Planemaking – Joshua A. Klein
- For the Love of History: A Journey into Practical Blacksmithing – Jordan Goodwin
- Risk & Reward: Skill as a Safety Net – Michael Updegraff
- Examination of an Early 19th-century Chest of Drawers
- The Van Gogh Chair – Masashi Kutsuwa
- Both Ends of the Spectrum: An Examination of Two Ladderback Chairs
- The Courage of Curiosity: An Interview with Furniture Conservator Donald C. Williams
- From Jute to Silk: Making Splint from Riven White Ash – Brendan Gaffney
- The Dalarna Corner Notch – Dennis Carter
- Book Recommendation: Glenn Adamson’s Craft: An American History – Cameron Turner
Issue Eleven
Issue Eleven of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- Warp & Weft: Weaving Academic Research with Handcraft in the Restoration of a Loom – Nevan Carling
- Versatility: Understanding the Medieval Socket Axe – Gustave Rémon
- Finding the Groove: The Value of Batch Production Woodworking – Joshua A. Klein
- For Speed: Fancy Windsor Chair Production in Early America – Elia Bizzarri
- Examination of an Early 19th-century Chest of Drawers
- Mountain Music: The Story of Foxfire’s 50 Years of Appalachian Handcraft – Michael Updegraff
- On His Own Book: The Story of Chairmaker Richard Poynor – Hunter S. Zyriek-Rhodes
- The Drawknife & the Butterfly Effect – Dr. Mike Epworth
- Book Recommendation: John Ruskin’s Unto this Last – Ray Deftereos
Issue Ten
Issue Ten of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- An Unexpected Gift: Discovering Calm in a Modern Apprenticeship – Will Wheeler
- An Exercise in Precision & Randomness: Replicating David Pye’s Fluting Engine – Jeff Miller
- Savageness – John Ruskin
- Ready Hands: A Letter to My Sons – Joshua A. Klein
- A Whisper from the Past: The Lessons Tools Teach Us – George Walker
- Examination of a William & Mary Gateleg Table (1715-1740)
- The Rhythm of Weaving Cattail Rush Seats – Michael Updegraff
- Walking with Wood/Se Promener avec Le Bois – Joseph Brihiez
- The Past for the Future: Reflections on 50 Years as a Furniture Conservator – W. Patrick Edwards
- Books for Students of Furniture – Al Breed
Issue Nine
Issue Nine of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- The Sacred in the Common: Making an Icon Panel - Symeon van Donkelaar
- Making the Sussex Chair - Abdollah Nafisi
- The Legacy of Cesar Chelor - Steve Voigt
- Scribes of Nature: Dendrochronology & the Deeper Story of Wooden Objects - Michael Updegraff
- Examination of an 1815-1830 New England Rocking Chair
- Iterative Design in Vernacular Workholding - Joshua A. Klein
- The Master is Free: The Legendary Skill of John Hemmings - Canlin J. Frost
- A Useful Third Hand: Shop-made Viking Clamps - Zachary Dillinger
- A Path to Serenity: Sheltering at the Bench with the Korean Masters - David Lane
- Book Recommendation: Shop Class as Soulcraft - Nancy R. Hiller
Issue Eight
Issue Eight of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- A Sense of Place - Amy Umbel
- Intermediate Technology in the Shop - Harry Bryan
- Examination: Grain-Painted Chest Over Drawers
- Crafting an Education: Recreating Henry David Thoreau's Desk with Eleventh Graders - Cameron Turner
- The Legend of the Jimmy Possum Chair - Mike Epworth
- Subversive Woodwright: An Interview with Roy Underhill
- Book Recommendation: Hand Tools: Their Ways and Workings -Michael Updegraff
- Showing Us What is Possible: A New Vision of Work from Charpentiers Sans Frontières -Joshua A. Klein
- Tool Marks Tell Stories - Michael Updegraff
- Manual Training: What it is and its Place in Education - Joseph C. Park
Issue Seven
Issue Seven of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- Partnership with Nature: An Interview with Peter Lamb
- A Fresh & Unexpected Beauty: Understanding David Pye's "Workmanship of Risk" - Joshua A. Klein
- The Weight of the Past - Bill Pavlak
- Freedom From Vises: Workholding Solutions From Three Traditions - Michael Updegraff
- A Good Day's Work: A Day in the Life of a Village Carpenter - Richard Arnold
- A Gentler Way of Working: Investigating Welsh Vernacular Woodwork - Kieran Binnie
- As Part of a Life Lived: A Shaker's Perspective on His Community's Craft - Brother Arnold Hadd
- Examination of a 1730s High Chest of Drawers
- "#thenewwoodculture" - Jarrod Dahl
- Axioms of Pre-industrial Craft - George Walker
- Book Recommendation: Country Woodcraft - Sam Desocio
Issue Six
Issue Six of Mortise and Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- The Wooden Brace: Bitstock Technology for the 21st Century - Joshua A. Klein
- William Morris and George Nakashima: Finding the Middle Landscape - David Lane
- Examination of a Hanging Cupboard
- Forging Traditions: The Common Ancestry of Japanese & Western Edge Tools - Wilbur Pan
- The Good Life: Discussing Slöjd with Jögge Sundqvist
- A Windsor Chair Called 'Henry' - Nathaniel Brewster
- A Painted Chest in the Pennsylvania-German Tradition - Jim McConnell
- A Tale of Two Trees: The Radical Efficiency of Green Woodworking - Michael Updegraff
- Cutting-edge Technology: Rediscovering the Double-iron Plane - Steve Voigt
- Book Recommendation: Yanagi's 'The Unknown Craftsman' - Arsenios Hill
- At Work in the Shop: Cabinetmaking Returns to Old Sturbridge Village - Brock Jobe
Issue Five
Issue Five of Mortise & Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- An Interview with Spencer Nelson on Apartment Woodworking
- An Overwhelming Call: The Life & Work of Eric Sloane by Michael Updegraff
- Chester Cornett's 'Masterpiece' by Brendan Gaffney
- Norse Seat Chest by Kate Fox
- Hand in Hand with Jonathan Fisher by Joshua A. Klein
- Traditional Coopering by Marshall Scheetz
- Book Recommendation - Chinnery's "Oak Furniture" by Derek Olson
- Examination of an 18th-century Tea Table
- Tools for Learning: Woodworking with Young Kids by Joshua A. Klein & Michael Updegraff
- Woodworking in Classic Literature by Megan Fitzpatrick
- 10,000 Hours: A Journey into Japanese Woodworking by Kim Choy
Issue Four
Issue Four of Mortise & Tenon Magazine is currently in stock and available to order. See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- "Carrying Their Legacies: Selecting, Restoring, & Using Wooden Bench Planes" by Joshua A. Klein
- "The Straight Truth" by Jim Tolpin
- "An Open Question: Investigating the Steam-bent drawer backs of the Swisegood School of Cabinetmaking" by Jim McConnell
- "The Quest for Mastery Through Production Work" by Jarrod Dahl
- "Carpentry Without Borders: An Exploration of Traditional Timber Framing in Romania" by Will Lisak
- "The Artisan's Guide to Pre-industrial Table Construction" by Joshua A. Klein
- "Examination of an English Kneehole Desk
- "Book Recommendation: The Framed Houses of Massachusetts Bay, 1625-1725" by Peter Follansbee
- "The Business of Woodworking: 1700 to 1840" by Charles F. Hummel
- "Axes in the Workshop" by Vic Tesolin
- "Entrusted to Our Care: An Interview with Furniture Conservator Christine Thomson
- "In Pursuit of the Handmade Aesthetic" by Michael Updegraff
Issue Three – SOLD OUT!
Issue Three of Mortise & Tenon Magazine is currently out-of-print, but available in the hardbound republication: First Three Issues See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- "The Spring Pole Lathe: Design, Construction, and Use" by Joshua Klein
- "On the Trail of Two Cabinetmakers: Reconstructing the Careers of Samuel Wing and Tilly Mead" by Shelley Cathcart & Amy Griffin
- "Essential Human Work: Reimagining a Legendary School on the Coast of Maine" - Interview with Drew Langsner & Kenneth Kortemeier
- "Modern Revivalist Toolmaking: What Yesterday's Tools Can Teach Us Today" by Brendan Bernhardt Gaffney
- Examination of Two Period High Chairs
- "The Best of Both Worlds: Embracing the Art in Craft" by Danielle Rose Byrd
- "Patterns in Shop Practice" by Garrett Hack
- "Making a Stand: Form & Function for $1.50" by Michael Updegraff
- "Through a Wilderness of Ornament: Making Sense of 18th-century Pattern Books" by Bill Pavlak
- "On Perfection: Both Practical and Practiced" by Jim McConnell
- "Resurrecting the Derelict: Hard Choices in the Conservation of a Chest" by Joshua Klein
- Book Review by Vic Tesolin: "A Field Guide to Identifying Woods in American Antiques & Collectibles" by R. Bruce Hoadley
Read Norm Reid's Book Review of Mortise and Tenon Magazine, Issue 3.
Issue Two – SOLD OUT!
Issue Two of Mortise & Tenon Magazine is currently out-of-print, but available in the hardbound republication: First Three Issues See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- "Perfection & Risk: The Making of a Banister-back Chair" by Joshua Klein
- "Quiet Grace: An Interview with Chairmakers David and George Sawyer"
- "Examination of an 18th-Century Drop Leaf Table"
- "Dividing the Line: Assessing the Eye of Blue-Collar Geometers" by George Walker
- "Decoding the Roman Workbench" by Christopher Schwarz
- "A Furniture Conservation Primer" by Donald C. Williams
- "An Unjustified Mystique: Period Dovetails Up-Close"
- "A Case for Cadwalader" by Timothy Garland
- "An Interview with Tool Collector Skip Brack of Liberty Tool Company"
- "Fidelity to the Past: An Interview with Zachary Dillinger"
- "Everyone Who Knows 'Why' is Dead" by Peter Follansbee
- "Woodworking in Estonia: Book Review" by Michael Updegraff
Read Norm Reid's Book Review of Mortise and Tenon Magazine, Issue 2.
Issue One – SOLD OUT!
Issue One of Mortise & Tenon Magazine is currently out-of-print, but available in the hardbound republication: First Three Issues See the table of contents below to get a flavor of the content.
- "The Mortise & Tenon Magazine Manifesto"
- "Imbued With Story: An Interview with Furniture Conservator Jon Brandon"
- "A Discussion on Period Craftsmanship with Phil Lowe"
- "Rural Refinement: Recreating the Parson’s Card Table" by: Joshua Klein
- "Analysis and Details of a Federal Era Boston Secretary"
- "The Objects Reveal Themselves: A Conversation with Curator Gerald Ward"
- "Ex Nihilo: The Genesis of Classical Proportion" by: George Walker
- "Adorned with Feathers: A Carving Tutorial" by: Al Breed
- "The Dominy Shop: New Discoveries"
- "Striking a Balance by Freddy Roman"
- "Distinguishing the Marks of an Artisan" by: Martin O’Brien
- "Before Our Very Eyes: A Visit to the Yale Furniture Study"
- "Workbenches: From Design and Theory to Construction and Use, Revised Edition Book Review" by: Zachary Dillinger
Read Norm Reid's Book Review of Mortise and Tenon Magazine, Issue 1.
More about the publication
As Joshua describes it, Mortise & Tenon magazine seeks to bridge the worlds of furniture maker, conservator, and scholar. It is not just
another typical woodworking magazine. There are no "7 Essential Router Tricks", weekend
DIY pocket screw projects, or ad cluttered pages. Mortise & Tenon exists to showcase premier furniture
artisans and scholars in an elegant and artful manner. The magazine is printed on uncoated
70# matte paper with a minimalist photography-saturated aesthetic.
Mortise & Tenon curates stories and information you will find nowhere else
- Interviews with makers, conservators, and scholars
- Essays on historic craft practice
- Previews of upcoming research
- Reviews of relevant books
The passion to marry scholarship with craft practice imbues the publication with a unique voice in the world of woodworking media.
• • •
The Mortise & Tenon Manifesto
- Mortise & Tenon is neither elitist nor pedestrian. We believe that featuring both high style
masterpieces as well as simple vernacular furniture accurately represents the work of the
pre-industrial cabinet/chair maker.
- Mortise & Tenon celebrates pre-industrial methods. We believe that authentic reproductions are best
created with authentic tools and methodology. While powered mechanization is more
economical for quantity production, we believe working wood "by hand" is both efficient
and viable when building single objects. Because the vast majority of furniture makers are
not direct competition with factories, we believe there is much for us to learn from
pre-industrial methods.
- Mortise & Tenon is dedicated to hands-on research. We believe working with authentic methods is the
best way to do historical research because it allows the maker to stand in the shoes of
the original artisan. Insights are gained through this "shop based research" more readily
than by ordinary examination because the natural constraints of working by hand allow the
maker to discern the logic behind original construction choices.
- Mortise & Tenon honors original construction. We believe reproducing original characteristics such
as coarseness of secondary components, irregularity of dimensions, and occasional
expeditious joining/fastening methods is appropriate and honoring to original artistic
- Mortise & Tenon honors cultural heritage. We believe that patina makes an object more beautiful. We
agree with David Pye that "the effects of age and wear are powerful diversifying agents".
And because historic artifacts are representations of the life and values of our
ancestors, patina is cherished as a document of the past just as much as the piece's
original construction.
- Mortise & Tenon serves as a bridge between disciplines. We believe that period furniture makers,
conservators, and scholars all have a unique and important contribution toward researching
and preserving our furniture heritage. We want Mortise & Tenon to be a place for those
disciplines to meet and collaborate.
- Mortise & Tenon is a celebration of historic furniture. We believe that reveling in historic
workmanship is an important way to honor the past. Although there is an astonishing
variety of wood craftsmanship produced today, our passion remains singular: Without
apology we celebrate the wisdom, skill, and ingenuity of our woodworking forefathers.
Product Warnings
This product may expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Please read our Proposition 65 warning.
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Price: $63.00
Our Price: $61.00
Price: $61.00
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