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Here's My Stuff!

by Don Dumais
Mendon, MA

I made this for my daughter. It's made from chestnut and pine that I reclaimed from a circa 1776 house I renovated in Grafton, MA.

I wanted to make something for my daughter and she mentioned a jewelry box so I looked at others and saw what I liked and didn't like about them and created my own design.

One thing was the doors - when you open them you had to crouch down to look at stuff, so I designed my doors such that after opening them you were able to raise and lock them in place for easy viewing and access.

The other thing I tried to improve upon was the top. It seems every jewelry box I saw had a lid to open for the mirror and access a storage area so you were unable to just keep stuff on top. I mounted an adjustable mirror so the top could still be used. I even routed out some areas on the top to place every day stuff.

You can email Don at 1776-chestnut@comcast.net , or check out his website at woodworkingbydondumais.net .

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